This paper is a road map that will guide you to the path of health and wellness that many of my patients have traveled. It is a map that you can use in your own quest for good health, abundant energy, and the joy that comes from living life to the fullest.
Hormone production imbalance is an overall decline in hormone production. The negative effects of this hormonal imbalance are not limited to the reproductive system. The female hormones play important roles throughout the body, in the heart, brain, muscles, bones, and other major organs and tissues. An imbalance in levels of estrogen and progesterone adversely affects the production and use of these hormones. Fatigue, weight gain, mood and memory problems, insomnia, headaches, and menstrual disorder
One common result of female hormonal imbalance is hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, which weakens the immune system and can trigger allergies, chemical sensitivities and recurrent infections during midlife. Adrenal insufficiency often accompanies low thyroid function, worsening the problems of low energy, impaired immunity and allergies.
Blood testing is not the best way to diagnose hormonal problems or to assess whether the treatment of these problems is working. The most reliable indication of hormonal problems is how a patient feels physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Estrogen is most dominant during the delivery of a baby, the baby’s placenta produces high levels of progesterone 10-20 times higher than a woman normally produces. When the baby is delivered and the placenta expelled, there is a precipitous drop in progesterone levels. However, estrogen levels remain very high and this becomes women who is estrogen dominant.
Childbirth is not the only cause of estrogen dominance, it can also occur at puberty, after discontinuing birth control pills, after tubal ligation or hysterectomy, or simply as a woman moves through her menstrual life.
Imbalances in the levels of estrogen and progesterone are inevitable for women in their thirties, forties, and beyond due to this imbalance. A Patients’ symptoms (estrogen dominant) would cause a stress on her adrenal glands, alter her thyroid function and may trigger an allergic disorders.
Simple treatment of someone who is estrogen dominance is to start treatment of bio identical progesterone hormonal therapy to restore proper hormonal levels taken on days fifteen through twenty-eight of her menstrual cycle.
Using a thermometer, the body’s normal temperature is 98.6 F in the morning, if the temperature is below 98.2 F we can consider the patient to have hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism means the patient has low thyroid function. This can be treated by using a natural
If a patient has low thyroid function, treatment with natural t3 and t4 product will raise her thyroid levels. The body’s normal temperature is 98.6 F, but by using a thermometer to measure and record the body core temperature when the patient wakes up, we can see if the body and recording the degrees will normal is 98.6 and under 98.2 is consider to be hypothyroidism. Once must start with t3 2.5 up to 12.5 in am dose and 2.5 to 12.5 in early afternoon and should see an increase of body core temperature.
If patient has stressed her adrenal glands, treatment with a adrenal support supplement or a small dose of cortisol 5mg capsule
If the patient has yeast over growth and digestive problems, it important for her to remain on a yeast-free diet for at least 3 months in order to restore health to her digestive tract, treatment anti fungal nystatin, to kill yeast along with preparations of Lactobacillus acidophilus to replenish beneficial bacteria in the colon.
Subject of allergies
Evaluating patient with problems ranging from sinus infections skin disorders, asthma and migraine headaches and these patients treated for allergies show improvement is disease state. What is an allergy? An allergy is an abnormal reaction by the body’s immune system to normally occurring substance that cause no problem for most people. Common environmental allergens include weed, tree and grass pollen; dust mites; mold spores; and animal dander. Common foods such as wheat, corn, eggs, milk, yeast, or soybeans also may cause allergic reactions. In most children with eczema, the cause is a food allergy. Recurrent ear infections in children are caused by a milk allergy in at least 50% of cases. You may know someone who gets a headache after drinking wine or develops hives after eating shellfish or peanuts. These are all examples of food allergies.
The first time an allergen enters the body and binds to a B cell, the cell is stimulated to mature into an antibody-producing “factory” called a plasma cell. The plasma cell churns out IgE antibodies specific to the allergen, which attach to specialized receptors on mast cells,(specialized white blood cells that cover the lining of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tract) priming them for subsequent encounters. The next time allergen enters the body, it binds to and crosslink with IgE antibodies, causing the mast cell to release histamine and other powerful inflammatory chemicals in an attempt to get rid of the offending substance) these chemicals (cause blood vessels to dilate, prompting tissue swelling, tearing of the eyes, and nasal discharge) and if not treated promptly(they may cause the stimulate secretion of large amounts of mucus and cause the bronchial tubes to constrict, triggering coughing and wheezing.) Those trigger allergy symptoms. Allergies can cause symptoms throughout the body depending on where the immune system is activated. Food allergens can trigger gastrointestinal symptoms such as canker sores, gastritis, and diarrhea. Headaches, depression, anxiety, and memory problems can occur if inflammation and swelling affect the brain. Recurrent or chronic urinary tract infections, childhood ear infections upper respiratory infections, and yeast infections commonly have an allergic basis.
Common allergy symptoms
Fatigue frequent headaches sneezing, postnasal drainage or itching of the nose, frequent colds, recurrent or chronic sinus infections, recurrent yeast infections, jock itch, or athlete’s foot, dizziness, itching, watering, redness, or swelling of the eyes, dark circle under the eyes, recurrent cough or bronchitis, tightness in the chest, wheezing, or asthma, eczema, skin rashes, itching, or hives, eczema, skin rashes, itching or hives indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation
Following questions to evaluate the likelihood that you suffer from allergies
Do your symptoms worsen during particular season, such as the spring or fall?
Are your symptoms worse in parks or grassy areas?
Are your symptoms worse around animals?
Do your symptoms change when you go indoors or outdoors?
Are your symptoms worse when you come into contact with dust?
Are your symptoms worse upon arising in the morning?
Do you awaken in the middle of the night with congestion?
Do you have mood swings or feel depressed for no particular reason?
Do you develop symptoms after eating or drinking certain foods?
Do you sometimes feel stimulated, hyperactive, or fatigued after meals?
Do you have any blood relatives with allergies?
Keep in mind that allergies are caused by an overactive immune system that misidentifies harmless substance as threatening invaders. Nowhere on the label of an antihistamine will you see information that this drug helps retrain the immune system to stop overreacting to allergens, what you will see, though is a list of side effects that the antihistamine can cause, such as fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, loss of appetite, stomach upset, nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, and skin rashes.
Yeast infections what is it and how to treat
The over growth of the yeast Candida albicans is a condition called candidiasis, can affect virtually any organ in the body, causing symptoms as varied as abdominal pain and headaches, fatigue and skin rashes, immune suppression and chemical sensitivity, and depression and joint pain. The frequent antibiotic use and the resulting over growth of yeast is a major factor in their declining health. The overgrowth of yeast was depleting energy, weakening resistance to disease and causing both physical and metal suffering. Restoring the normal balance of bacteria in her digestive tract should be the number one priority.
Yeast syndrome is a condition with multiple causes and multiple effects, for this reason, no single intervention will be effective in getting yeast under control, restoring the balance of healthy bacteria in the body, and restoring health. I have found that the most effective way of treating candidiasis is a three-pronged approach eradicate, eliminate, and repopulate.
Using nystatin is a safe, effective agent for eradicating yeast in the colon. It is not absorbed systemically, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria that normally inhabit the colon. Treatment should from one to 3 month or longer depending on their symptoms and yeast antibody levels. Because nystatin only kills yeast in the spore form and its effects are confined primarily to the colon. Using another systemic antifungal medication called fluconazole taken for one to two week course of treatment would help ensure that yeast cells in the mycelial stage are eradicated from the mucous membranes throughout the body.
Eradicating the yeast that is already present is only one element of a successful candida treatment program. You must also prevent yeast from regaining a foothold in your body. Otherwise, while you may win the battle, you ultimately will lose the war. To grow, yeast requires a specific environment- a moist, dark place with a constant food supply. This is a perfect description of your gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately, discouraging the growth of yeast doesn’t mean that you have to go on a thirty-day fast. It does mean that you have to radically change your diet for at least this length of time in order to prevent yeast from growing. The yeast-free, grain-free diet eliminates dietary sources of yeast and other fungi, vinegar and fermented products and sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods that provide nourishment to yeast. Eliminating sugar can be the most difficult part of this diet, in part because so many foods contain added sugar, in addition to cane sugar and beet sugar, you will have to steer clear of honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, molasses, fruit sugar (fructose), milk sugar (lactose), and malt sugar ( maltose), because yeast grows on sugar.